
13 September, 2010

Off to New York :-)

Tomorrow is the big day, when we are finally off to New York! For the next 6 months we will be staying in the US, doing a Discipleship Training School (DTS) through Youth With a Mission. We're doing something called a compassion DTS, with a main focus toward adults and children with special needs, as well as human trafficking. You can read more about the DTS that we're doing at

Right now there is some packing that needs to be finished, but we just wanted to let all of you know that we hope to update this blog regulary so that everyone interested can follow us here. We are thankful for everyone praying for us!


  1. Me gleder oss til å følge dere på bloggen. Lykke til i NYC!!

  2. woop!!! SO SO excited for you guys!! It's going to be great....

  3. God tur!
    Håper på hyppige oppdateringer.

  4. Lykke te dåkke to <3 det blir nok en fantastisk opplevelse! Glede meg te å lesa om livet dåkkas der borte!

    Stor klem <3
